Not flexible enough for Yoga? Yin you are!

“Let it go, let it go”, now that I think about it…it’s kind of ironic that the character singing this song is a frozen, uptight, ice queen. I’m sure we all know someone a little frigid in nature who could implement a bar or two of this beloved Disney song in their lives. Not saying that anyone has ever accused me of being a little frosty….but if they did…I’d sing it…OK brain…time to FOCUS.

Now what do these lyrics have to do with yin? What is a yin? If you would have asked me that a few days ago I would have looked at you and asked if you have developed a st-udder. Come to find out yin was recently introduced at my home studio as a new yoga class.  Taught by a truly talented yogi friend Jenn Veale on Tuesdays, this alone was reason enough for me to give it a go.  As with most things I do, I didn’t ask any questions and blindly went to class thinking “Hell yea, new poses. I can dig it”. Then I arrived Tuesday at 7, with kermie (my mat), and a cool bottle of water in hand. I was ready for whatever yin thought it was going to throw at me (hubris could be a flaw of mine). Anywho- I laid kermie out like I usually do in class and then something unexpectedly AWESOME happened! Jenn handed me a blanket. Insta flash back to kindergarten, it’s totally nap time! Savasana  prep? This early? SCORE!

Class began and Jenn started to explain what the purpose of a yin class is. Come to find out the word references the yin-yang symbol we are all familiar with from 1990’s Lisa Frank folders or temporary tattoos. The symbol of balance. Instead of the push we actively give ourselves in a common flow class, in a yin class we have to let it go. Yes, Queen Elsa, we are letting it go because sometimes we just gotta do our own thang. Yin style. We put ourselves into seated stretching poses and were guided by Jenn to release any active muscle stretching. Passive actions only. We aimed to release mind and body and let our muscles gently relax into the stretch. In this practice we want the fascia to release naturally, allowing permanent strides in flexibility. For those of us who didn’t give a shit in biology class, fascia is the connective tissue that binds the layers of the body together. Have you ever tried to pull the skin off of a chicken thigh and were met by fierce opposition? Yea, that weird layer holding the skin to the muscle is the fascia! Hurray science!

As always, breath is extremely important. We placed ourselves in the pose and then focused on the breath. When you focus on your breath it does two very interesting things; it releases anxiety (hence why smokers are always more relaxed after a cig), and it brings oxygen to the muscles which aids in the whole stretching process. Our bodies need oxygen to stretch…who knew? I’ve come to the conclusion that this class is kind of like the equivalent of taking a multivitamin in the morning. It’s universal, everyone can benefit from it. The triathlon training mad man, weight lifters, the physically disabled, and even you. Yes, you. The person who isn’t flexible enough to get into yoga. The person who can’t touch their toes and considers folding laundry a good triceps workout.

If you are active or want to be active. This is the class for you. Increasing your flexibility on and off the mat just makes you feel good and gives you opportunity for progression for your fitness goals, be them little or big. This class is being added to my weekly routine indefinitely.

I do have a few recommendations for those willing to give it a go.

  1. Bring sweats. I find it easier to stretch when I’m warm.
  2. If you are crazy hyper, go for a run first to get out the wiggles. This class is way calm.
  3. Any level are welcome, no experience necessary.
  4. Try to get as irritated as possible during the day at work so that the benefits are ultra apparent.
  5. Bring a friend, or in my case Mama Malench. She has bad knees and needs to start slowly. (sorry to call you out mom but there are others in the same boat)

Yin is fabulous, take it as an individual class or in conjunction to your workout. Either way, it is a must do for anyone that enjoys thing’s like breathing. I’m positive that everyone reading this blog right now enjoys breathing. So thank you Elsa, for singing the catchiest song in the world and letting us know that some times we just have to let it go. Yin style.


Yin is taught by Jenn Veale at Peace, Love, Yoga every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.


Lincoln Plaza
3722 East Landis Avenue
Suite D
Vineland, NJ 08361*


peace, love, & pigeon,Lil’yoga junkie


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