Where is that F***ing horse?

Citizens of the Cyber Cosmos! Hibernation was wonderful. Apparently Lil’yoga junkie turns into some sort of furry woodland creature during the winter. She burrows under her blankets, watches way too many episodes of the real housewives, and stops writing witty passionate adventure stories about a chubby girl getting her happy on in Jersey.


There are so many things wrong with this…first and fore most…why am I talking about myself in the third person? I’m not Mugatu. Obviously.

Secondly, have you ever had a vision of who you wanted to be that was so intensely exciting, a job that you loved far more than anything else in this world. Then ended up watching the real housewives instead? Those women look like science fair projects. It’s creepy, yet beautifully memorizing. I completely agreed with these ladies Ziggy should be allowed to vote for office. This shit is important.

Then I cracked. I became Sasha from The Walking Dead and screamed “THIS IS WHAT YOU PEOPLE CARE ABOUT”?! (Crazy eyes and everything). Then I bravely turned off the TV. I guess taking on characteristics of PTSD casserole break-down Sasha is better than becoming SCarol any day. Yes, I’m comparing my suburbia boredom to surviving the zombie apocalypse. It’s in tents people. Get it, in TENTS.

The point is that I lost my path. A giant flaming bus crashed on the road in front of me and I pulled out the marshmallows to settle in.

Then I said to myself. Where is my fucking horse? The point is, we all lose our way. We get distracted. We get lazy. We don’t follow through when we should. The winter is thawing out and so am I. I learned something very important about myself. When something gets hard. I retreat. It’s my sanity defense mechanism. When I feel like I could potentially fail. I bail.

Essentially my escape plan is everything I fight so intensely in my writing. Does that make me a liar or a fake?

No, it makes me human.

What is most important is that we find the horse. We find that horse and work one more second towards making tomorrow awesome. I’m ponying up. Scheduling the adventure, finding new places to share with you. It’s going to be a great summer. Stay tuned.

Btw, I missed you.



PS, if I’ve learned anything from TWD, don’t leave your horse with zombies. By zombies I mean people, emotions, events that take you away from your mission to be completely fucking awesome. Zombies suck.

You say there is nothing to do in Vineland? I call bull shit. Parkour, it’s not just butter.

Tiny, slim, muscular physique, it’s easy to see why Steb’s had me confused for Kacy Catanzaro…. You know Kacy, we’ve all watched her on YouTube in utter awe 10 million times. As the first kick-ass female contestant to obliterate the competition in American Ninja Warrior. If you haven’t seen this video yet, stop reading this blog immediately. I give you permission to pause and check it out….NOW! Ladies, this is the type of girl we should ask our daughters to becomes obsessed with. Enough of this Barbie, crack addicted Disney nonsense. Strong, independent, and goal oriented. As your resident yoga junkie one of my mantra’s I live by is a strong body makes a strong mind. Am I in good shape? Only if the shape is round. Am I in optimal emotional balance….sometimes. Do I try to make healthier decisions every single day? Yes.  Do I also think that all physical exertion should be balanced with caramel swirl ice cream…..yes. Therefore, Kacy has swung onto my list of fitness idols in record time as a woman I should try to be more like. Now, how did I become more like Kacy? I met Stebs.

Steven Solof, aka Stebs loves a good adventure so we kind of go together like Ranch dressing and Siracha (yum). He heard about my blog and said, “hey, would you want to come with me to a parkour class?” I paused and thought, I didn’t know they had a class about artificial butter?…then I realized that I was thinking about Parkay because I’m a fat kid and he was talking about the sport. At this point in my life wisdom has taught me to think before I open my mouth because sometimes I’m a little slow to the drawl. Of course I replied to his request with an ever so excited YES! YES! YES! YES! What far off land did we have to go to for this class you ask? Vineland. The facility is within walking distance from my house (and the ice cream place…coincidence? I think not).  So it was a date. Me and Steb’s were off to leap over ALL THE THINGS!

By the way, Parkour by lil’yoga junkie definition is the bastard child of gymnastics and skateboarding. Without the skateboard. A person participating needs to develop technical skill of a gymnast but the ability to improvise using out-door scenery like a skateboarder.

I arrived at the gym early to scope out the digs. Plus, I’m kind of crazy about being on time for things. Took a look around but I didn’t see any “tatted up delinquents” as one would assume was involved in such tom foolery. Instead, I was in a fully functional gymnastics studio and then, like a vision, I found one! The parkour delinquent of my dreams ear gauges and all! He was a man about my age coaching a teen through her back hand spring. Focused but thorough the girl would “throw her trick” and he would critique. Extremely kind and patient with her, an admirable trait of any good teacher (obviously he’s worked with teenage girls before because they are the trickiest of all beasts to try to critique because at any moment they can break into tears). From watching, it was obvious that in this world, repetition is key for stamina and endurance.  At that moment I could tell that this was going to be more than learning how to jump over a fence with style. Ken Cebulak was totally legit and I couldn’t wait to take his class.

A few minutes later the gym cleared out and a parade of boys walked in. Shaking hands, chattering about the new stunts they wanted to try, and finishing up the paper work at the front desk they then began to disperse onto the equipment. Oh, yea, Stebs was late…Thanks Stebs. Coming from a traditional dance background it’s hard for me to grasp the concept of improvisation. I was taught what to practice, when to practice and to stay in line. In a sport like this, all that crap goes out the window because creativity is key. Our coach, Kenny Cebulak was here to bring you through the basics and to make sure that you were practicing safely. He provided support when asked for and would intervene when necessary.  Other then that, a major part of learning how to parkour is interacting with fellow student’s. The community is accepting and playful. We were all there to improve but we were all at a different starting point. It kind of reminded me of yoga class, there is no competition, we were all there to help each other get better at our own practice. It helped me to feel at home.

Once Steb’s decided to show up (thanks Stebs) he brought me through his routine. First, we braved the rock wall. (Kenny showed me that the closer your hips are to the wall, the better stability you will have). Then we did various other upper body strengthening exercises. This is much of the reason I had trouble bringing my tea-cup  to my face or doing anything that required a pinch grasp. I think he quickly realized that his regular work out would be interrupted for the day because there was no way I was going to spend the next two hours doing pull ups. Not when there is runway sized trampolines and giant blue squishy ball pits to jump in.

Before I went too crazy Ken brought me through the basics to quickly assess my ability. Backward rolls, back bends, kart wheels, he had some pointers about all of these things. Then he recommended that I start by practicing my front flip into the squishy blue pit of fun. So I did just that.

As far as nontraditional workout’s go, this was intense. I was sweating like crazy, using all kinds of muscles and not once did I think  “Oh, I’m bored”. This is a common thought for me while at a traditional gym. I had a blast. And it costs as much as a movie ticket! If you have a taste for adventure. This is definitely the place for you. With every pass I became stronger and more confident. A few more classes and I’ll be the next ninja warrior, just like my home girl Kacy.

While reflecting I keep reminding myself that this is what working out should be like. I should look back and smile in anticipation of my next class. Not dread the thought of the same old boring routine. Another memory I thought was really cool and worth sharing is that there was a teen there that didn’t necessarily fit the traditional parkour “type”. She was missing her right forearm from the elbow down yet she had a smile from ear to ear and was doing her thing. She instantly nabbed a place on my list of kick-ass girls, right next to Kacy. A remarkable reminder that we create our own barriers in our life. When someone makes you feel that you can’t participate or accomplish because you’re “different”. Flip them the bird and try to do it anyway. You can’t succeed without trying. It’s just not possible. Plus, who made that douche the speaker for what you can and can’t do? Do they have some sort of certification in your business? Exactly.


This class is for everyone, however, you MUST KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES. If you are a beginner then act like it!

You can practice with, or without sneakers. I do think you should wear clothing that is easy to move in.


If you want to give this class a try, Ken Cebulak teaches parkour at airborne gymnastics academy three times a week. Children’s classes are on Saturday evenings. He has been practicing gymnastics, and martial arts for 15 years. More details can be found at airborne-gym.com or by calling (856)-507-1700

After class sweaty selfie!

After class sweaty selfie!


Check out the rest of my pictures and videos from this adventure at http://www.facebook.com/lilyogajunkie